Burnt Orange Monster

A blog about things I like: RPGs, football, books, trading, and more.

Recent Blog Posts

Pathfinder 2: Lost Omens Character Guide

Feb 05, 2020 by [ "James R. Miller" ]
rpgs Tags: pf2 golarion lost-omens

My copy of the Pathfinder 2 Lost Omens: Character Guide came today. I’ll have a review of it up (and other PF2 books) in the next few weeks.

Session Report - Dwarven Hilarity

Feb 02, 2020 by [ "James R. Miller" ]
rpgs Tags: 5e session-report tyranny-of-dragons dnd

Here’s a session report from my Tyranny of Dragons 5E game with Charles, Chris, and Travis.

Homebrew 5E Wizard subclass: Restoration

Jan 24, 2020 by [ "James R. Miller" ]
rpgs Tags: homebrew 5e dnd ogl wizard school-of-restoration

I was tinkering around with a wizard subclass that combines a little bit of cleric healing with some health drain. The idea here is to let a party without a cleric have a more utilitarian wizard while leaving the “blasty” bits of the wizard bone stock. Or this subclass could work well in an “all wizards/all casters” party as something a little bit different.

Thoughts? Hit me up on twitter or shoot me an email.

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